Can common nutrients curb violent tendencies
and dispel clinical depression?
DISCOVER Vol. 26 No. 05 | May 2005 | Biology
& Medicine

When pigs are
penned in close quarters, some become so irritable they savage
their pen mates’ ears and tails, a problem farmers call
ear-and-tail-biting syndrome. David Hardy, a Canadian hog-feed
salesman from the farmlands of southern Alberta, knew
that behavior well. Years of experience had taught him
something else: All it takes to calm disturbed pigs down is a
good dose of vitamins and minerals in their feed.
came to Hardy’s mind one November evening in 1995 when an
acquaintance, Tony Stephan, began confiding his troubles. His
wife, Deborah, had killed herself the year before after
struggling with manic depression and losing her father to
suicide. Now two of his 10 children seemed headed down the
same road: Twenty-two-year-old Autumn was in a psychiatric
hospital and 15-year-old Joseph had become angry and
aggressive. He had been diagnosed as bipolar, a term for manic
depression, but even with medication he was prone to outbursts
so violent that the rest of the family feared for their
boy’s irritability sounded familiar to Hardy. I don’t know a
whole lot about mental illness, Hardy told Stephan, but I’ve
seen similar behavior in the hog barn, and it’s easy to
So the
two men set out to create a human version of Hardy’s pig
formula. They bought bottles of vitamins and minerals from
local health-food stores and spent nights at Stephan’s kitchen
table concocting a mixture. On January
20, 1996, they
gave Joseph the first bitter-tasting dose. Within a few days,
Joseph felt better than he had in months. After 30 days, all
the symptoms of his illness were gone.
next turned to Autumn, whose mental state had been steadily
deteriorating for years. Now she was psychotic, convinced she
had a gaping hole in her chest from which demons emerged. Just
released from the hospital where she’d been on suicide watch,
Autumn required 24-hour supervision to ensure she didn’t hurt
either herself or her 3-year-old son.
forced her to take the nutritional formula. After just two
days of treatment, her rapid swings between mania and
depression stopped. After four days her hallucinations
vanished. “I remember saying, ‘Oh my gosh, my hole is gone,’ ”
she recalls. By week’s end, she felt well enough to quit all
but one of her five medications.
years later, both Autumn and Joseph remain symptom free,
medication free, and devoted to taking what they call “the
nutrients” each day. Autumn Stringam, her married name, is an
articulate woman with bright eyes who revels in being a
full-time mother to her son and the three daughters she’s had
since getting well. “I don’t feel I’m cured,” she says. “I
feel I’ve got something that allows me to manage and have a
normal, functional life—maybe even better than
easy to write off the Stephans’ treatment as just one more
crackpot cure in a field rife with fraud and false hope. The
supplement they took has yet to be proved in large clinical
trials, while scientists who have studied it have been caught
in the cross fire between converts, willing to take the
supplement on faith and anecdotal evidence alone, and skeptics
who look askance at all alternative medicine. Yet the idea of
treating mental disorders with supplements makes sense,
experts in the field say. Micronutrients help build and
sustain the brain’s architecture and fuel its biochemistry.
They are critical in countless ways to the working of cells
throughout the body, including the brain. “We need 40
essential micronutrients in our diet—vitamins, minerals, and
essential fatty acids,” says Bruce Ames, a biochemist at the
Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute. Ames has
explored the impact of zinc and iron on brain cells. “If you
don’t have enough of one, you’re fouling up your
number of diseases caused by nutrient deficiency, such as
scurvy, beriberi, pellagra, and pernicious anemia, display
psychiatric symptoms like irritability and depression. But
while severe deficiencies are rare in the developed
world—when’s the last time you met someone with beriberi?—many
of us fall short of getting all the nutrients we need. In 1997
a British study compared the mineral content of fruits and
vegetables grown in the 1930s with the mineral content of
produce grown in the 1980s. It found that several nutrients
had dropped dramatically, including calcium (down nearly 30
percent), iron (down 32 percent), and magnesium (down 21
researchers suspect that even mild deficiencies can affect the
psyche long before any physical symptoms appear. Stephen
Schoenthaler, a sociologist at California
University at
Stanislaus, has been exploring the link between nutrients and
mental health by giving basic vitamin and mineral supplements
to prison inmates and juvenile detainees. Again and again,
since the early 1980s, Schoenthaler has found that when inmate
nutrition improves, the number of fights, infractions, and
other antisocial behavior drops by about 40 percent. In each
case, he has found, the calmer atmosphere can be traced to the
mellower moods of just a few hotheads. The inmates most likely
to throw a punch, he has discovered, are the ones with the
least nutritious diets and the lowest levels of critical
findings have been undermined by less than sterling research
methods: His papers have failed to describe the precise
methods by which he analyzed the inmates’ blood. (In January,
a committee at his university recommended that he be suspended
for a semester without pay for academic and scientific
misconduct in later, unrelated research.) So in the late
1990s, an Oxford
physiologist named Bernard Gesch decided to put the theories
to a more rigorous test. Gesch divided 231 prisoners in one of
toughest prisons into two groups. Half were given a standard
vitamin and mineral supplement each day as well as fish-oil
capsules and omega-6 oil from evening primrose. The other half
received placebos. The results, published in 2002 in The
British Journal of Psychiatry, drew headlines on both
sides of the Atlantic. They
were also almost identical to Schoenthaler’s. Over the course
of approximately nine months, inmates taking supplements
committed about 35 percent fewer antisocial acts than the
group taking placebos. A few weeks after the study started,
the prison warden told Gesch that the administrative report
that month showed no violent incidents had occurred. “As far
as he was aware, this had never happened in the history of the
institution,” Gesch says.
Poor Man’s Pharmacopoeia
number of common nutrients may help alleviate mental illness
when taken in higher-than-normal doses. A few of the most
promising candidates follow.
Folic acid is a B vitamin essential to mood
regulation and the development of the nervous system. Patients
deficient in it appear to respond poorly to antidepressants.
In one 2000 British study, 127 patients taking Prozac were
also given either 500 micrograms of folic acid a day or a
placebo. The folic acid group did significantly better, in
particular the women, 94 percent of whom improved compared
with 61 percent in the placebo group.
It’s long been
known that magnesium can act as a sedative. Some studies have
also found magnesium deficiencies in patients with depression,
although the evidence is inconsistent. The mineral may help
other mood-stabilizing drugs work better. Researchers at the
Chemical Abuse Centers in Boardman,
Ohio, found that
combining magnesium oxide with the drug verapamil helped
control manic symptoms in patients better than a drug-placebo
Several studies
have suggested that chromium picolinate may help alleviate
depression and improve the response to antidepressants. In one
small trial at Duke
University, 70 percent of
the patients who were given chromium picolinate improved,
while none of those given placebos got
This sugar molecule appears
to make the brain’s receptors more sensitive to serotonin, one
of the chemical messengers that mediate mood. In a series of
short-term placebo-controlled trials, researchers at Ben
Gurion University of the Negev in Israel found that large
doses of inositol—12 to 18 grams a day—helped alleviate
depression, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive
study of micronutrients and mental health is known as
orthomolecular psychiatry, a term coined by two-time Nobel
laureate Linus Pauling in a controversial 1968 essay. Pauling
wrote that nutritional supplements, unlike psychotherapy or
drugs, represent a way to provide “the optimum molecular
environment for the mind.” Varying the concentrations of
substances normally present in the human body, he wrote, may
control mental disease even better than conventional


Micrographs courtesy
of Celeste Halliwell
the Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine counts about
200 American members. One of the foremost practitioners, the
Canadian psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, claims to have
successfully treated thousands of schizophrenics with massive
doses of vitamin C and niacin. He contends the vitamins
neutralize an oxidized compound that causes hallucinations
when it accumulates in the brains of patients. Until recently,
such treatments thrived on the power of patient lore, not
scientific certainty. Nutritional therapists were generally
unwilling to test their claims in well-designed controlled
studies. “Even when studies were done, they just didn’t meet
the standards of rigor that would make them be taken
seriously,” says Charles Popper, a Harvard
psychopharmacologist who studies bipolar disorder.
1973 a task force of the American Psychiatric Association
issued a withering indictment of orthomolecular psychiatry,
concluding that “the credibility of the megavitamin proponents
is low.” For the next two decades, funding for orthomolecular
research was rare. Academia turned its back on the field, and
industry saw no profit in it—vitamins and minerals can’t be
patented like other medicines. In recent years, however,
grants from the National
Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, founded in 1998, and
new discoveries in brain biochemistry have prompted
researchers to take a second look at nutritional therapies.
The strongest evidence to date involves omega-3 fatty acids, a
group of compounds abundant in fish oil of the kind Gesch gave
to prisoners, as well as in the membranes of and synapses
between brain cells. In a landmark 1999 study, Harvard
psychiatrist Andrew Stoll found that bipolar patients who were
given large doses of omega-3s did significantly better and
resisted relapse longer than a matched group of patients who
were given placebos.
findings have yet to be replicated, but other researchers have
since studied omega-3s as a treatment for depression,
schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. (See “Fish Therapy,”
opposite page.) “In every case, the data has been
overwhelmingly positive,” Stoll says. Other research has shown
correlations between low levels of various nutrients—zinc,
calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins—and depression. Researchers
have found that anywhere from 15 percent to 38 percent of
psychiatric patients have reduced levels of folate. A 2000
study of older women found that 17 percent of those who were
mildly depressed and 27 percent of those suffering severe
depression were short on vitamin B12.
In an
effort to winnow out confounding variables, nutritional
research has long focused on single nutrients. Yet some
researchers, like Stoll, have suggested that the effects of
nutrients are additive—that their real strength becomes
apparent only in a multinutrient formula. A formula much like
the one that Tony Stephan and David Hardy first stumbled upon
in a hog barn.
Omega-3s are a family of fatty acids found
in seafood and certain plants such as flax. Researchers
are interested in their therapeutic potential for
several reasons: Large population studies have shown a
correlation between rates of seafood consumption and
depression. Small studies have found patients with
depression have reduced levels of these fatty acids in
their blood. A variety of small clinical trials have
also suggested that omega-3s (at doses ranging from one
to four grams) may alleviate the symptoms of depression,
schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, as well as improve
patients’ response to conventional medicines.
Some researchers speculate that fatty
acids help maintain fluidity in the cellular membranes,
allowing neural receptors to better detect incoming
signals. Others, like Harvard psychiatrist Andrew Stoll,
believe that omega-3s affect the brain in ways similar
to mood-stabilizing drugs like lithium and Depakote:
They tamp down excessive signaling between cells. Stoll
says the compounds also reduce cellular
inflammation—common in people with mental
disorders—stirred up by omega-6s, another family of
fatty acids. In centuries past, humans ate a great deal
of wild game, greens, and other foods rich in omega-3s.
Today we eat fewer omega-3s, while filling up on foods
heavy with processed vegetable oils, which are high in
omega-6s. The change may help account for the increased
incidence of depression in the past 100 years, Stoll
Stoll’s colleagues say that the compounds
show promise but require further research. “The problem
is there’s not a lot of published evidence yet,” says
Harvard psychiatrist David Mischoulon. “So it’s hard to
compare this modest body of evidence against evidence
for a medication like Prozac or Zoloft that has numerous
studies to back it up.”
—S.F. |
Stephan and Hardy’s success, they spread word of the treatment
among fellow Mormons in southern Alberta. They
began by whipping up batches of the formula for church members
suffering all sorts of disorders, from mild depression to ADHD
to schizophrenia. Then, in early 1997, they quit their jobs
and began selling the formula, which they eventually named
EMPowerplus (the EM stands for “essential mineral”). Their
company, Truehope Nutritional Support, employs 35 people in a
squat building on the edge of Hardy’s hometown, the tiny farm
community of Raymond.
52, is stocky and energetic, with blondish-gray hair, earnest
blue eyes, and a nose that skews slightly to the right as if
it had been broken. Hardy, 55, is tall and lean, with square
wire-rimmed glasses. It’s not hard to see him as the high
school science teacher he once was. The two relate the story
of their supplement with a practiced air. Both are devout
Mormons who seem to believe they’ve been given a mission to
alleviate mental illness. Although the supplement is not
inexpensive—a month’s supply costs $69.98—Stephan and Hardy
say it is expensive to manufacture, and the business barely
turns a profit.
years, they say, they tinkered with the formula, using Autumn
as their guinea pig. “A lot of it was trial and error,”
Stephan says. “There’s nothing out there saying that if you’re
bipolar you need 50 milligrams of zinc.” The latest
incarnation of the supplement contains 36 vitamins, minerals,
amino acids, and antioxidants. Most are the same ingredients
found in a typical multivitamin but at much higher doses. For
example, a daily dose of the supplement contains a whopping
120 milligrams of vitamin E, six times the recommended daily
allowance. So far, the only side effects appear to be nausea
and diarrhea, but no one really knows the long-term dangers of
taking high vitamin and mineral doses.
of the supplement has spread quickly through the Internet and
patient support groups. Hardy says at least 6,000 people have
used the supplement for psychiatric problems, and a few
thousand more have tried it for other central nervous system
disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease,
cerebral palsy, and stress. Like many alternative therapies,
the supplement has generated tales of dramatic results, but
Stephan and Hardy know that they need solid research to prove
its effects.
years ago, they began contacting scientists, including Bonnie
Kaplan, a research psychologist at the University of
Calgary, and
Harvard’s Charles Popper, inviting them to study their
mixture. The scientists had essentially the same response. “I
told them to take their snake oils somewhere else,” as Kaplan
later recalled to a reporter. Popper was so leery of the pair
after his first meeting that he hid the bottle of the
supplement they gave him under his coat as he walked back to
his office: “I was afraid someone was going to see me with the
finally agreed to meet with Hardy and Stephan in 1996.
Impressed by their sincerity, she decided to offer the formula
to a handful of patients who had not responded to conventional
treatments. Kaplan first tried the supplement on two boys with
wildly shifting moods and explosive tempers. One was so
obsessed with violent fantasies that he could not go more than
20 seconds without thinking about guns. After he started
taking the supplement, Kaplan later wrote in a case study, his
obsessions and his explosive rage diminished. When he quit the
supplements, the obsessions and anger returned. Back on the
supplements again, the symptoms retreated.
results were encouraging enough that within a few months
Kaplan started a small clinical study of 11 bipolar patients
who had not been able to control their illness with
conventional medications. After six months of treatment, each
of the 11 showed improvement in both their depression and
mania. Most were able to cut down on their medications, and
some quit using them altogether.
2000 Kaplan accompanied Hardy and Stephan to Harvard’s
Hospital to
talk with other scientists. Popper was skeptical, despite
Kaplan’s credentials. That night, however, he got a call from
a colleague whose son had suddenly developed bipolar disorder
and was throwing violent tantrums daily. Popper reluctantly
offered him the
sample bottle of the supplement that Hardy and Stephan had
given him, figuring it couldn’t hurt. He did not believe it
would help. Four days later, the father called to tell him the
tantrums were gone. “The kid wasn’t even irritable,” Popper
recalls. “We don’t have anything in psychiatry that can do
Kaplan, Popper gradually began giving the formula to bipolar
patients who had not done well on psychotropic drugs. The
supplement not only worked for 80 percent of the patients, it
also took effect far more quickly than conventional drugs for
many of them. After testing the supplement for six months and
seeing improvements in some two dozen patients, Popper decided
he had something noteworthy enough to share with colleagues.
In 2001 he and Kaplan each published articles in The
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry describing their findings
and encouraging further research. “What if some psychiatric
patients could be treated with inexpensive vitamins and
minerals rather than expensive patented pharmaceuticals?”
Popper wrote. It was a strikingly optimistic statement about a
discredited idea. “I knew going public would raise a lot of
eyebrows, that I was putting my career on the line,” Popper
says. “But I was convinced.”

reason that orthomolecular psychiatry was treated with such
derision in the 1960s and early ’70s was that biologists had
only a faint understanding of the physical effects that
nutrients had on the brain. In the past two decades, however,
researchers have begun to gain a better understanding of the
brain’s biochemical machinery. Psychiatrists now know that
nutrients are the brain’s backstage crew, endlessly
constructing and maintaining cellular set designs, directing
players to their marks. They also play important roles in the
creation of chemical messengers thought to mediate mood, such
as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Zinc is a
particularly versatile player, involved in more than 300
enzymatic reactions; when zinc goes missing, a cell’s DNA and
its repair machinery can be damaged.
Bryan Kolb, at the Canadian Centre for Behavioural
Neuroscience in Lethbridge,
Alberta, has
explored how brain cells are affected by drugs, hormones, and
injury. When Stephan and Hardy first approached him in 1997,
he politely declined to start up a study. He had little
psychiatric expertise, he explained, and his usual
experimental subjects had four legs and long tails.
years ago, Kolb decided to take another look. In an effort to
tease out a biochemical pathway that might account for the
clinical effects that Kaplan, Popper, and others had
described, he ran a series of rat studies. First, he inflicted
injuries in two parts of infant rats’ brains: the frontal
lobe, which controls motor function and the ability to plan
and execute tasks, and the parietal lobe, which influences
spatial functions. Half the group then got a diet spiked with
a supplement similar to EMPowerplus and half got plain rat
chow. When Kolb put them through a series of cognitive and
spatial-ability tests, the vitamin-charged rats did markedly
better than the control group.
noticed something else about the supplement-fed rats: “They
were unbelievably calm.” Lab rats usually flinch and squeal
when identification tags are stapled onto their ears, he says.
“These rats acted like nothing had happened.” Kolb then
autopsied the rats’ brains: The formula-fed rats had bigger
brains than the chow-fed rats. In areas near where he’d
inflicted lesions, the dendrites of the existing cells—the
long, tentacled parts of neurons that conduct electrical
impulses—had sprouted new branches, each ending with hundreds
of new synapses. (In an earlier study, Kolb had found that the
amino acid choline could also stimulate dendritic growth. But
the results weren’t as pronounced.)
can’t say if such neural connections could alleviate mental illness.
Schizophrenia may be associated with structural abnormalities
in the brain, but so far that’s not thought to be the case in
mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. Whatever
the mechanism, Kolb says, he’s persuaded that “the diet can
clearly alter brain function.”
course, not everyone with a vitamin deficiency grows violent
or sinks into a clinical depression. So why might a
nutritional supplement help only some people? Kaplan has a
possible explanation: Some of us have “inborn errors of
metabolism.” We are born with unusual nutritional requirements
that can affect our mental function. Mental illness appears to
be partly heritable (bipolar disorder, for one, runs in
families), yet no one has discovered a gene for the disease.
Perhaps, Kaplan speculates, what’s passed down is a gene that
affects the metabolic pathways influenced by various
nutrients. Some people may simply inherit a metabolism that
demands higher-than-normal amounts of vitamins and minerals.
“What’s optimal for me may not be optimal for someone with a
mental illness,” Kaplan said at a meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association in 2003. “I’ve been blessed with a
stable mood, and I could probably eat a terrible diet and not
have any problems. Others may need additional
next research step should be a controlled randomized trial of
how bipolar patients taking supplements fare compared with
those taking a placebo. Such studies are the gold standard for
testing drugs and supplements. But Kaplan and Popper’s efforts
have been stalled by controversy. The two scientists have been
under attack by a group led by Terry Polevoy, a dermatologist
in Kitchener,
Ontario, who
runs a Web site called A onetime devotee of
holistic therapies, Polevoy now crusades against alternative
treatments he considers scams. For the past four years, he and
his colleagues have accused Stephan and Hardy of irresponsibly
marketing an unproven remedy. The employees that take the
company’s orders have no medical training, Polevoy points out,
yet they’re told to encourage customers, many of them mentally
ill, to stop using traditional medicines and rely exclusively
on the supplement. “People have been injured by taking this
stuff,” Polevoy says. In one well-publicized case, a
schizophrenic man quit his medications in order to take the
supplement and wound up psychotic, in jail, and facing assault
and Stephan, in turn, accuse Polevoy of being a front man for
the pharmaceutical industry, a charge Polevoy denies. “I may
go to a few meetings a year hosted by pharmaceutical
companies,” Polevoy says, “but I’m not paid.”
Kaplan and Popper published accounts of their experiences with
the formula, Polevoy charged the scientists with conducting
experimental research on patients without proper institutional
review. The allegations triggered lengthy investigations by
the scientists’ academic institutions, as well as by Canadian
and U.S.
health authorities. Kaplan and Popper were ultimately cleared
of any improprieties, but the ordeal left both so gun shy that
they stopped talking publicly about the supplement. (Kaplan
declined to be interviewed for this story. Neither she nor any
of the other scientists mentioned in this story have any
financial ties to the supplement.)
scientists have had a tough time securing government support
for their psychiatric research. EMPowerplus has yet to be
approved for sale in Canada, and
Health Canada, the
agency that regulates food and drugs in that country, has sued
Truehope for advertising the product to Canadians who might
wish to import it. “The manufacturer has not provided us with
scientific evidence that the drug is safe and effective,” says
Jirina Vlk, a spokeswoman for the agency. Hardy and Stephan,
in turn, have sued Health Canada for
blocking shipments at the border. Health Canada
initially denied Kaplan permission to pursue a randomized
study of the supplement in 100 bipolar patients, although
Kaplan already had funding from the Alberta
government. That decision was reversed in 2004, after the
agency established a new division dedicated to overseeing
supplements and natural health products.
in the United
Popper and Kaplan recently secured approval from the Food and
Drug Administration to conduct an even larger clinical study
of the supplement. Other scientists think this is long
overdue. “It’s something that needs to be investigated,” says
L. Eugene Arnold, a psychiatrist at Ohio
University who
plans to explore the use of zinc to treat ADHD. “There’s no
point in people arguing about whether it works or not without
getting some data to get the answer.” Arnold is no
advocate of alternative treatments for mood disorders, but he
thinks it’s reasonable to suspect that vitamins and minerals
might have an effect. The standard treatment for bipolar
disorder is lithium, he points out. “And what is that but a
Hardy and Stephan, the long wait for scientific validation has
been frustrating. But they are patient. “It’s like any new
discovery—acceptance is slow to come,” Stephan says. “But that
will change. It will come.”